Licensing Courses

Salesperson | Broker

Appraisal | Home Inspection

NY Real Ed

Continuing Ed.| Schedule

Location | Online Courses

REAL-ED is fully commited to training you so that you can do your job successfully and properly.
The training is done by Dedicated and Professional Instructors who are NYC and NYS Licensed and Guidance Counselors.

We are dedicated to helping you achieve your goals in a warm educational environment.

courses are approved








. . . . . *** IVY REAL ESTATE NEW SCHOOL ADDRESS - 31 West 34 St. 7th FLOOR *** . . . - We do in person & Zoom webinar classes ..For Info CALL 212 244-9898 or Email SLCconference@verizon.net -

C.E.-Implicit Bias - 2/14 9 am ... Notary Public - 2/12. 5 pm

C.E.-Ethics - 1/21 5 pm, ...Home Inspection M1 starts 3/15 2 pm please call -









There are many things here at REAL-ED that make us special and unique;
• Re-teach you how to take multiple choice tests.
• The only school that goes over your exam with you the same day to make sure that you will pass your state test.
• Teach the students how to evaluate their clients and customers needs within 20 minutes using their own unique tools.
• The first school that has a Networking Party every 2-3 months offering the opportunity to meet brokers’ who are ready to hire a salesperson.
• The only school that teaches the students how to do their own record keeping. IRS Code 3508 (a) and (b) states that as an Independent Contractor you are considered as having your own small business and can make deductions as such.

Should you have any questions please feel free to contact us and we will gladly help you understand the lucrative world of Real Estate.

Thank you and we look forward to working with you.

Ivy Beloff (M.S.A.C.)

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